Reconnecting through Reading

Welcome to the March Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival: Discovering through BooksThis post was written for inclusion in the monthly Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival hosted by The Positive Parenting Connection and Authentic Parenting. This month our participants have investigated what role books have played in their lives. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.

42 of 365 ~ Storytime
Photo by Tanya Little

Ours is a family of bibliophiles. We drag books home from the library. We have our own family library of our favorite books. We review advanced copies of books from authors and publishers. Many of our family jokes are based on books. We read…a LOT! While you will often find one or more fo us curled up with a good book, we also read as a family. Many reasons are given for reading as a family.:

  • Being read to is the most important reading instruction your child can receive. Rather than forced reading instruction methods which often hinder the process and are forced on many children before they are ready, children who are read to are more equipped to pick up a book and read. Children from literary homes will learn to read without any formal instruction.
  • Reading aloud to a child builds vocabulary and proper grammar, improving not only their reading but also their language skills and communication.
  • Reading aloud stimulates a child’s imagination, fostering creativity and critical thinking skills simultaneously. Books provide a jumping point for pretend play and continued adventures, a key component of not only creative thinking but also of intellectual and emotional growth. Children who spend a lot of time in pretend play learn social and communication skills by co-operating with others in the game.
  • Reading as a family provides automatic shared experiences. Our young family has hundreds of jokes and catch phrases, all extracted from books.
  • Reading aloud introduces other cultures, other experiences, and various topics of discussion. We have had many great discussions based on what we have read.
  • Reading isn’t just for kids who can sit still. Many children may wish to play with small toys or work on a craft while listening to you read.

Finally, no matter what kind of day we have had, no matter my mood or what stress life holds, at the end of the day (or the middle depending on when we are reading), I know that I can snuggle up with my children, pull out our current chapter book, and reconnect with them. It’s our own version of the old adage “Don’t go to bed mad.” “Don’t go to bed without reading.” I can definitely see a difference on those days when we didn’t make time for reading right before bed the night before, regardless of how much we read during the day.

New to reading chapter books with your kids? You might want to check out Jim Trelease’s The Read-Aloud Handbook: Sixth Edition.

Visit The Positive Parenting Connection and Authentic Parenting to find out how you can participate in the next Authentic Parenting Blog Carnival!
Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:

8 thoughts on “Reconnecting through Reading

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  1. I completely agree with the “don’t go to bed without reading”. Even though we don’t read bedtime stories, we do use reading as a way to wind down.
    thanks for your submission!

  2. Couldn’t agree with you more! Reading aloud is one of the best things you can do with your children. Jim Trelease’s book is fabulous. It was a standard tool when I was in college studying to be a teacher.

  3. Fantastic advice! I love the word “bibliophile”! That’s so fun that you get to review books. Maybe you can e-mail me more about that program(s). I also love that you say, “Don’t go to bed without reading.” What a great way to reconnect after busy days. I’m excited to read chapter books again. There are so many ones that I missed or didn’t have available when I was a young adult.

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